Install the Agent Using Command Line

The Agent is a lightweight process that consumes minimal server resources and sends data to the Resource Monitoring Tool Server (RMT Server). Install the Resource Monitoring Tool Agent on each of your Tableau Server nodes. To install and register an Agent, download the Agent bootstrap configuration file and save it to a location that is accessible from the Resource Monitoring Tool Agent nodes.

This topic describes the steps you can use to install the Resource Monitoring Tool Agent using command line. Command line installation is supported on both Windows and Linux operating systems.

In an effort to align with our company values of Equality, we have changed non-inclusive terminology where possible. Because changing terms in certain places can causing a breaking change, we maintain the existing terminology. So, you may continue to see the terms in CLI commands and options, installation folders, configuration files. and other instances. For more information, see About Tableau Help(Link opens in a new window).

Before you install

  • Download the bootstrap file and save it to a location that is accessible to the nodes on which you are going to install RMT Agent. Bootstrap files are only valid for 24 hours after downloading.  You will need to regenerate the bootstrap file if the one you are using is older than 24 hours.
  • Starting in version 2021.3, Agent registration will need to communicate both through a https endpoint and RabbitMQ to complete Agent registration. Make sure both ports 443 and 5672 are open for these communcations.

To install and configure the Agent:

  1. Download the bootstrap file to a location that can be accessed from the Tableau Server nodes.

    rmtadmin bootstrap-file --env=<myenvironment> --filename<The absolute or relative path including the file name>

  2. Run the Agent setup program:
    1. Download the Agent installer and save it to a location that you can access from Tableau Server machines.

    2. Open the command prompt as an administrator.
    3. Navigate to the location of the Agent installer and run the exe file using the following command

      Tabrmt-Agent-64bit-<version>.exe /silent ACCEPTEULA=1 RUN_AS_USER_CUSTOM=1 RUN_AS_USERNAME=<username> RUN_AS_PASSWORD=<password>

      Starting in 2021.4, you must specify a Run As User account for Agent. This account is used to access Tableau Server for gathering monitoring information.

      For the Run As User account, specify the same account that you currently use for the Tableau Server User account. If the account information you provide is not the same as that on Tableau Server, Agent will not be able to gather the monitoring data on that node.

      • Use RUN_AS_NETWORK_SERVICE=1 if your Tableau Server is configured to use the Network Service account as the Run As User.
      • Use RUN_AS_USER_CUSTOM=1 if your Tableau Server is configured to use a custom user. Use the same account credentials as what is specified for Tableau Server.

      The default install folder is usually like this: C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\agent. To provide a different install location run the following command:

      Tabrmt-Agent-64bit-<version>.exe/silent ACCEPTEULA=1 RUN_AS_USER_CUSTOM=1 RUN_AS_USERNAME=<username> RUN_AS_PASSWORD=<password> InstallFolder="D:\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\agent"

      Note: Use the /silent or /quiet switch to run the setup unattended and without displaying any UI or prompts.

  3. Register the Agent:
    1. Run the following command to register the Agent:

      rmtadmin register <bootstrap file path\file> --server-name=<Friendly name of machine> --server-description=<server description> --username <name of the RMT admin user> --password <password for the user account>

      The following table lists the configuration options used to register the Agent:



      --bootstrap file Yes <none> The location of the bootstrap file.
      --usernameYes<none>This is typically the admin user you created during RMT Server installation.
      --passwordYes<none>This is the password for the user account


      Password can be supplied in the command line or a file that contains the password. If neither is provided, you will be prompted for the password.

      <none>Path including the file name where the password is stored.
      --server-name No Host name of machine Name of the computer that has the Agent Installed. If no option is provided, this field will default to the host name of the machine.
      --server-description No <none> Description of the computer that has the Agent installed. If no option is provided, this field will remain blank.

      Windows install properties and switches


      /passiveRun Setup with minimal UI and no prompts. 
      /quiet | /silentRun Setup in unattended, fully silent mode. No web interface or prompts are displayed.Use either /quiet or /silent, not both.


      InstallFolder=<path\to\installation\directory>Install to the specified non-default install location.

      Specifies the location to install RMT. If not used, RMT is installed to C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\master.

      Example: <Setup file> /silent InstallFolder="D:\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\agent"

      ACCEPTEULA=1|0Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA). Required for quiet, silent, and passive install on both initial and additional nodes. 1 = true, accept the EULA, 0 = false, do not accept the EULA. If not included when using /passive, /silent or /quiet, Setup fails silently. If included but set to 0, Setup fails.


To install and configure the Agent:

  1. Install:
    1. Download the .rpm or .deb Agent Installer and save it to a location that you can access from the machine where you plan to install the Agent.

    2. Run the following command to install the Agent where <version> is formatted as major-minor-maintenance:

      For RHEL like distributions including CentOS:

      sudo yum install Tabrmt-Agent-x86_64-<version>.rpm

      For Ubuntu:

      sudo apt install Tabrmt-Agent-amd64-<version>.deb

  2. Initialize RMT Agent:

    You must explicitly accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) when you initialize RMT Agent. You also have the option to specify non-default configurations. To initialize RMT Agent with a default configuration, run this command :

    sudo /opt/tableau/tabrmt/agent/install-scripts/initialize-rmt-agent --accepteula

    The EULA can be found in the /opt/tableau/tabrmt/agent/docs folder.

    Beginning in version 2023.1 you can specify a custom Run As account to be used by RMT, as well as other configuration options. By default RMT creates and uses an account called rmt-agent to run under. To specify a custom Run As account to be used by RMT Agent, include the --unprivileged-user option when you run the initialization script. For information about all the available switches for the initialize-rmt-agent script, see RMT Agent Initialization Script Options.

  3. Register:
    1. Log off and log on as the tabrmt-agent user so you can run rtmadmin commands which always require that you run as the tabrmt-agent user. Also, when you log on again, you create a new session in which group membership changes have taken effect.

      sudo su --login tabrmt-agent

    2. Run the following command and provide the path where the bootstrap file is located. Provide the friendly name and a description of the node where the Agent is being installed.

      rmtadmin register <bootstrap file path\file> --server-name=<Friendly name of machine> --agent-description=<server description> --username=<name of the RMT admin user>

      You will be prompted for the password of the RMT admin user.

      Note: The tabrmt-agent user defaults to run commands from the base working directory: /var/opt/tableau/tabrmt/agent, so you must specify the full file path accordingly. For example, if you placed the bootstrap file in the /var/opt/tableau/tabrmt/agent/bootstrap/ folder as recommended, the file path would be /var/opt/tableau/tabrmt/agent/bootstrap/<bootstrap_file_name>.json

      The following table lists the configuration options used to register the Agent:

      Option Required? Default Description
      --bootstrap file Yes <none> The location of the bootstrap file.
      --username Yes <none> This is typically the admin user you created during RMT Server installation.
      --password Yes <none> This is the password for the user account


      Password can be supplied in the command line or a file that contains the password. If neither is provided, you will be prompted for the password.

      <none> Path including the file name where the password is stored.
      --server-name No Host name of machine Name of the computer that has the Agent Installed. If no option is provided, this field will default to the host name of the machine.
      --server-description No <none> Description of the computer that has the Agent installed. If no option is provided, this field will remain blank.

Installing Agent on Multi-Node Tableau Server

Run the steps described above on each of the nodes of Tableau Server. On the web interface of the RMT Server you should be able to see all the nodes where the Agent is installed.

Who can do this

To install Resource Monitoring Tool, you must have all the following:


  • Administrator permissions on the machine you are installing Resource Monitoring Tool.
  • Tableau Server Administrator site role.


  • Full sudo access for the user account that is used to install the Agent.

Next Step

Configure Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool

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