With the Tableau Server REST API you can manage and change Tableau Server, Tableau Cloud site, and Prep Conductor resources programmatically, using HTTP. The API gives you simple access to the functionality behind Tableau data sources, projects, workbooks, site users, sites, flows, and more. You can use this access to create your own custom applications or to script interactions with Tableau resources.
![]() LEARN Get Started Tutorial make REST requests to your Server or Online site using Postman or cURL | ![]() FIND All Methods List ctrl-f search for methods and parameters by name | ![]() INTEGRATE Tableau Server Client (Python)(Link opens in a new window) - call Server and Online site APIs from your existing processes | ![]() JOIN Tableau Developer Program(Link opens in a new window) - forums, events, and a free Tableau Cloud sandbox for learning and prototyping |
Analytics Extensions Settings Methods
Add analytics extension connection to site | site. |
Delete analytics extension connection from site | Deletes a specific analytics extension connection for an external service from a site. |
Enable or disable analytics extensions on server - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Enables or disables analytics extensions on a server. |
Get analytics extension details | Get the details of a specified analytics extension connection to an external service. |
Get current analytics extension for workbook | Gets basic details, including connection type and name, of the analytics extension connection to an external service that the specified workbook is currently using. |
Get enabled state of analytics extensions on server - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Gets the enabled/disabled state of analytics extensions on a server. |
Get enabled state of analytics extensions on site | Gets the enabled/disabled state of analytics extensions on a site. |
List analytics extension connections of workbook | Lists basic details of each analytics extension connection available for a specified workbook, including connection type and name. |
List analytics extension connections on site | Lists a site's analytics extension connections for external services. |
Remove current analytics extension connection for workbook | Remove the currently used analytics extension connection to an external service from the specified workbook. The connection remains configured, and is available for further usage by the workbook. |
Update analytics extension connection of site | Updates the details of specified analytics extension connection for an external service to a site. |
Update analytics extension for workbook | Updates the analytics extension connection to external service currently used by a workbook. |
Update enabled state of analytics extensions on site | Enables or disables analytics extensions on a site. |
Ask Data Lens Methods - Retired in API 3.22
Create ask data lens - Retired in API 3.22 | Create an ask data lens. |
Delete ask data lens - Retired in API 3.22 | Delete an ask data lens. |
Get ask data lens - Retired in API 3.22 | Get the details of the specified ask data lens. |
Import ask data lens - Retired in API 3.22 | Import an existing ask data lens on a server to a site, and optionally transform the metadata of the lens in the process. |
List ask data lenses in site - Retired in API 3.22 | Returns a list of ask data lenses in a site. |
Authentication Methods
List Personal Access Tokens - Not available for Tableau Server. | List all personal access tokens (PATs). If you're a site admin, list PATs of a user when you are the site admin on all sites that the PAT owner is a member of. |
Revoke Administrator Personal Access Tokens - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Revokes all personal access tokens(Link opens in a new window) (PATs) created by server administrators. This method is not available for Tableau Cloud. |
Revoke Personal Access Token - Not available for Tableau Server. | Revoke a personal access token (PAT). If you're a site admin, you can revoke a users PAT owhen you are the site admin on all sites that the PAT owner is a member of. |
Sign In | Signs you in as a user on the specified site on Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud. |
Sign Out | Signs you out of the current session. This call invalidates the authentication token that is created by a call to Sign In. |
Switch Site - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Switches you onto another site without having to provide a user name and password again. |
Connected App Methods
Create Connected App | Create a connected app. |
Create Connected App Secret | Generate a secret for a connected app. |
Delete Connected App | Permanently remove a connected app. |
Delete Connected App Secret | Permanently remove a secret associated with a connected app. |
Delete EAS | Delete a registered external authorization server (EAS). |
Get Connected App | Query a connected app by its ID. |
Get Connected App Secret | Query a connected app secret and the token value using the connected app's ID. |
List All Registered EAS | Get all external authorization servers (EASs) registered to a site. |
List Connected Apps | Query all connected apps configured on a site. |
List Registered EAS | Get an external authorization server (EAS) registered to a site. |
Register EAS | Create a connected app with OAuth 2.0 trust by registering an external authorization server (EAS) to a site. |
Update Connected App | Update a connected app. |
Update EAS - Not available for Tableau Server. | Update a connected app with OAuth 2.0 trust. |
Content Exploration Methods
Get batch content usage statistics - Not available for Tableau Server | Gets usage statistics for multiple content items. The batch of can include multiple content types. |
Get content search results | Searches across all supported content types for objects relevant to the search expression specified in the querystring of the request URI. |
Get Content Suggestions | Returns a specified number of suggestions for auto-completion of user input as they type. You can specify content types of suggestions and prioritize recently viewed content. |
Get usage statistics for content item - Not available for Tableau Server | Gets the usage statistics for a Tableau content item, specified by LUID and content type, such as workbook, datasource, or flow. |
Dashboard Extensions Settings Methods - Retired in API 3.21
Allow dashboard extension on site - Retired in API 3.21 | Adds a dashboard extension to the safe list of the site you are signed into. |
Block dashboard extension on server - Retired in API 3.21 - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Adds a dashboard extension to the block list of a server. |
Disallow dashboard extension on site - Retired in API 3.21 | Deletes a specific dashboard extension from the safe list of the site you are signed into. |
Get allowed dashboard extension on site - Retired in API 3.21 | Gets the details of a specific dashboard extension on the safe list of the site you are signed into. |
Get blocked dashboard extension on server - Retired in API 3.21 - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Gets the details of a specific dashboard extension on the blocked list of a server. |
List allowed dashboard extensions on site - Retired in API 3.21 | Lists the dashboard extensions on the safe list of the site you are signed into. |
List blocked dashboard extensions on server - Retired in API 3.21 - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Lists the dashboard extensions on the blocked list of a server. |
List dashboard extension settings of site - Retired in API 3.21 | Lists the dashboard extension settings of the site you are signed into. |
List settings for dashboard extensions on server - Retired in API 3.21 - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Lists the dashboard extension settings of a server. |
Unblock dashboard extension on server - Retired in API 3.21 - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Deletes a specific extension from the block list of a server. |
Update dashboard extension settings of site - Retired in API 3.21 | Updates the settings for dashboard extensions for the site you are signed into. |
Update dashboard extensions settings of server - Retired in API 3.21 - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Updates the settings for dashboard extensions of a server. |
Update settings for allowed dashboard extension on site - Retired in API 3.21 | Updates the settings of a specific dashboard extension in the safe list of the site you are signed into. |
Data Sources Methods
Add Tags to Data Source | Adds one or more tags to the specified data source. |
Delete Data Source | Deletes the specified data source from a site. When a data source is deleted, its associated data connection is also deleted. Workbooks that use the data source are not deleted, but they will no longer work properly. |
Delete Tag from Data Source | Deletes a tag from the specified data source. |
Download Data Source | Downloads a data source in .tdsx format. |
Download Data Source Encrypted Keychain | Gets an encrypted version of the embedded credentials from the data source. These credentials can only be migrated to the linked destination Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server. |
Download Data Source Revision | Downloads a specific version of a data source prior to the current one in .tdsx format. To down load the current version of a data source use the Download Data Source method. |
Get Data Source Revisions | Returns a list of revision information (history) for the specified data source. |
Publish Data Source | Publishes a data source on the specified site, or appends data to an existing data source. To make other changes to a published data source, call Update Data Source or Update Data Source Connection. |
Query Data Source | Returns information about the specified data source. |
Query Data Source Connections | Returns a list of data connections for the specified data source. |
Query Data Sources | Returns a list of published data sources on the specified site, with optional parameters for specifying the paging of large results. To get a list of data sources embedded in a workbook, use the Query Workbook Connections method. |
Remove Data Source Revision | Removes a specific version of a data source from the specified site. |
Update Data in Hyper Connection | Incrementally updates data (insert, update, upsert, replace and delete) in a published data source from a live-to-Hyper connection, where the data source has multiple connections. |
Update Data in Hyper Data Source | Incrementally updates data (insert, update, upsert, replace and delete) in a published data source from a live-to-Hyper connection, where the data source has a single connection. |
Update Data Source | Updates the owner, project or certification status of the specified data source. |
Update Data Source Connection | Updates the server address, port, username, or password for the specified data source connection. |
Update Data Source Now | Runs an extract refresh on the specified data source. |
Upload Data Source Encrypted Keychain | Uploads the encrypted version of the embedded credentials. This method will only work if the credentials are encrypted with the latest public key used to link the source Tableau Server with the destination Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server site. |
Extract and Encryption Methods
Create an Extract for a Data Source | Create an extract for a data source in a site. Optionally, encrypt the extract if the site and workbooks using it are configured to allow it. |
Create Cloud Extract Refresh Task - Not available for Tableau Server. | Creates a custom schedule for an extract refresh on Tableau Cloud.
For Tableau Server, see Add data source to server schedule and Add workbook to server schedule. |
Create Extracts for Embedded Data Sources in a Workbook | Create extracts for all embedded data sources of a workbook. Optionally, encrypt the extracts if the site and workbook using them are configured to allow it. |
Decrypt Extracts in a Site | Extract encryption at rest is a data security feature that allows you to encrypt .hyper extracts while they are stored on Tableau Server. For more information, see Extract Encryption at Rest(Link opens in a new window). |
Delete Extract Refresh Task | Deletes the specified extract refresh task on Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud. |
Delete Extracts of Embedded Data Sources from a Workbook | Delete all extracts of embedded data sources in a workbook. |
Delete the Extract from a Data Source | Delete the extract of a data source in a site. |
Encrypt Extracts in a Site | Extract encryption at rest is a data security feature that allows you to encrypt .hyper extracts while they are stored on Tableau Server. For more information, see Extract Encryption at Rest(Link opens in a new window). |
Get Extract Refresh Task | Returns information about the specified extract refresh task. |
List Extract Refresh Tasks in Server Schedule - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Returns a list of the extract refresh tasks for a specified server schedule on the specified site on Tableau Server. |
List Extract Refresh Tasks in Site | Returns a list of extract refresh tasks for the site. |
Reencrypt Extracts in a Site | Extract encryption at rest is a data security feature that allows you to encrypt .hyper extracts while they are stored on Tableau Server. For more information, see Extract Encryption at Rest(Link opens in a new window). |
Run Extract Refresh Task | Runs the specified extract refresh task. |
Update Cloud Extract Refresh Task - Not available for Tableau Server. | Updates a custom schedule for an extract refresh task on Tableau Cloud.
For Tableau Server, see Update server schedule. |
Favorites Methods
Add Data Source to Favorites | Adds the specified data source to the user's favorites. |
Add Flow to Favorites | Adds the specified flow to the user's favorites. |
Add Metric to Favorites - Retired in API 3.22 | Adds the specified metric to the user's favorites. |
Add Project to Favorites | Adds the specified project to a user's favorites. |
Add View to Favorites | Adds the specified view to a user's favorites. |
Add Workbook to Favorites | Adds the specified workbook to a user's favorites. |
Delete Data Source from Favorites | Deletes the specified data source from the user's favorites. If the specified data source is not a favorite, the operation has no effect. |
Delete Flow from Favorites | Deletes the specified flow from the user's favorites. If the specified flow is not a favorite, the operation has no effect. |
Delete Project from Favorites | Deletes the specified project from the user's favorites. If the specified project is not a favorite, the operation has no effect. |
Delete View from Favorites | Deletes the specified view from user's favorites. If the specified view is not a favorite, the operation has no effect. |
Delete Workbook from Favorites | Deletes a workbook from a user's favorites. If the specified workbook is not a favorite of the specified user, this call has no effect. |
Get Favorites for User | Returns a list of favorite projects, data sources, views, workbooks, and flows for a user. |
Organize Favorites | Move an item to organize a user's favorites. |
Flow Methods
Add Flow Permissions | Adds permissions to the specified flow for a Tableau Server user or group. You can specify multiple sets of permissions using one call. |
Add Flow Task to Server Schedule | The Add Flow Task to Schedule method is renamed and retired for Tableau Cloud in API 3.22 (Tableau Cloud March 2024). It will remain available for Tableau Server only. For Tableau Cloud in March 2024, this method will be replaced with Create Cloud Flow Task method. |
Cancel Flow Run | Cancels a flow run that is in progress. |
Create Cloud Flow Task - Not available for Tableau Server. Available only with a Data Management license. | Creates a flow task on Tableau Cloud, and set its schedule. |
Delete Flow | Deletes a flow. When a flow is deleted, its associated connections, the output and input steps, any associated scheduled tasks, and run history are also deleted. |
Delete Flow Permission | Deletes the specified permission from the specified flow for a group or user. |
Download Flow | Downloads a flow in .tfl or .tflx format. |
Get Flow Run | Gets a flow run. |
Get Flow Run Task | Returns information about the specified flow run task. This method shows you information about the scheduled task for the flow. |
Get Flow Run Tasks | Returns a list of scheduled flow tasks for the site. |
Get Flow Runs | Get flow runs. |
Get Linked Task - Available only with a Data Management license. | Returns information about a specific linked task. This method shows you information about the scheduled linked task. |
Get Linked Tasks - Available only with a Data Management license. | Returns a list of scheduled linked tasks for a site. |
List Flow Permissions | Returns a list of permissions for the specific flow. |
Publish Flow | Publishes a flow on the specified site. To make other changes to a published flow, call Update Flow or Update Flow Connection. |
Query Flow | Returns information about the specified flow, including information about the project, owner, and output steps. |
Query Flow Connections | Returns a list of data connections for the specific flow. |
Query Flows for a Site | Returns the flows on a site. If the user is not an administrator, the method returns just the flows that the user has permissions to view. |
Query Flows for User | Returns the flows that the specified user owns in addition to those that the user has Read (view) permissions for. |
Run Flow Now | Runs the specified flow. |
Run Flow Task | Runs the specified flow run task. |
Run Linked Task Now - Available only with a Data Management license. | Runs the specified linked task. |
Update Flow | Updates the owner, project, of the specified flow. |
Update Flow Connection | Updates the server address, port, username, or password for the specified flow connection. The connection can be an input or an output connection. |
Identity Pools Methods
Add User to Identity Pool - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Add a user to a specified identity pool. |
Configure Identity Store - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Configure a new local identity store to provision users. |
Create Authentication Configuration - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Create an instance of OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication. |
Create Identity Pool - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Create an identity pool. |
Delete Authentication Configuration - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Delete an authentication instance. |
Delete Identity Pool - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Delete an identity pool. |
Delete Identity Store - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Delete an identity store. |
Get Identity Pool - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Get information about an identity pool. |
List Authentication Configurations - Not available for Tableau Cloud | List information about all authentication instances. |
List Identity Pools - Not available for Tableau Cloud | List all identity pools. |
List Identity Stores - Not available for Tableau Cloud | List information about all identity store instances used to provision users. |
Remove User from Identity Pool - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Remove a user from a specified identity pool. |
Update Authentication Configuration - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Update an authentication instance. |
Update Identity Pool - Not available for Tableau Cloud | Update information about an identity pool. |
Jobs, Tasks, and Schedules Methods
Add Data Source to Server Schedule - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Adds a task to refresh a data source to an existing server schedule on Tableau Server.
For Tableau Cloud, see Create Cloud Extract Refresh Task. |
Add Workbook to Server Schedule - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Adds a task to refresh or accelerate a workbook to an existing schedule on Tableau Server. |
Cancel Job | Cancels a job specified by job ID. To get a list of job IDs for jobs that are currently queued or in-progress, use the Query Jobs method. |
Create Server Schedule - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Creates a new server schedule on Tableau Server.
For Tableau Cloud, see Create Cloud Extract Refresh Task and Create subscription. |
Delete Data Acceleration Task | Deletes a data acceleration task. |
Delete Server Schedule - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Deletes the specified schedule on Tableau Server.
For Tableau Cloud, see Delete Extract Refresh Task and Delete Subscription. |
Get Data Acceleration Tasks in a Site | Returns a list of data acceleration tasks for the site. |
Get Extract Refresh Task | Returns information about the specified extract refresh task. |
Get Server Schedule - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Returns detailed information about the specified server schedule on Tableau Server. |
List Extract Refresh Tasks in Server Schedule - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Returns a list of the extract refresh tasks for a specified server schedule on the specified site on Tableau Server. |
List Extract Refresh Tasks in Site | Returns a list of extract refresh tasks for the site. |
List Server Schedules - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Returns a list of flows, extract and subscription server schedules on Tableau Server. For each schedule, the API returns the name, frequency, priority, and other information. |
Query Job | Returns status information about an asynchronous process that is tracked using a job. This method can be used to query jobs that are used to do the following:. |
Query Jobs | Returns a list of active jobs on the specified site. To get details on a specific job, pass a job ID returned by this method to the Query Job method. To cancel an active job, pass a job ID returned by this method to the Cancel Job method. |
Run Extract Refresh Task | Runs the specified extract refresh task. |
Update Server Schedule - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Modifies settings for the specified server schedule, including the name, priority, and frequency details on Tableau Server.
For Tableau Cloud, see Update cloud extract refresh task and Update subscription . |
Metadata Methods
Add Data Quality Warning - Available only with a Data Management license. | Add a data quality warning to a database, table, column, published data source, flow, virtual connection, or virtual connection table. |
Add Database Permissions - Available only with a Data Management license. | Add permissions to a database asset. |
Add Default Database Permissions - Available only with a Data Management license. | Adds default permission capabilities to a user or group for table resources in that database. |
Add or Update Monitoring Quality Warning on Content - Available only with a Data Management license. | Create or update one or more monitoring quality warnings. |
Add Table Permissions - Available only with a Data Management license. | Add permissions to a table asset. |
Add Tags to Column | Add one or more tags to a column. |
Add Tags to Database | Add one or more tags to a database. |
Add Tags to Table | Add one or more tags to a table. |
Add Tags to Virtual Connection - Available only with a Data Management license. | Adds tags to a virtual connection. |
Batch Add or Update Data Quality Certifications - Available only with a Data Management license. | Create or update one or more data quality certifications for different content and asset items. |
Batch Add or Update Data Quality Warnings - Available only with a Data Management license. | Add or update multiple data quality warnings on assets. |
Batch Add Tags - Available only with a Data Management license. | Add multiple tags to items that are different content and asset types. |
Batch Delete Data Quality Warnings - Available only with a Data Management license. | Delete multiple data quality warnings from assets. |
Batch Delete Tags - Available only with a Data Management license. | Delete multiple tags from items that are different content and asset types. |
Create Label Category - Available only with a Data Management license. | Creates a data label category. |
Create or Update labelValue - Available only with a Data Management license. | Creates a label value with the specified name if it doesn't exist, or updates the existing label value if the label value name already exists. |
Delete Data Quality Certification by ID - Available only with a Data Management license. | Delete a data quality certification from an asset using the data quality certification ID. |
Delete Data Quality Certifications by Content - Available only with a Data Management license. | Delete multiple data quality certifications from assets. |
Delete Data Quality Warning by Content - Available only with a Data Management license. | Delete the data quality warnings from an asset. |
Delete Data Quality Warning by ID - Available only with a Data Management license. | Delete a data quality warning from an asset using the data quality warning ID. |
Delete Database Permissions - Available only with a Data Management license. | Permanently remove the permissions applied to a database asset. |
Delete Default Database Permissions - Available only with a Data Management license. | Permanently remove the default permissions on a database asset. |
Delete Label - Available only with a Data Management license. | Deletes a data label by its LUID. |
Delete Label Category - Available only with a Data Management license. | Deletes a label category. |
Delete Labels - Available only with a Data Management license. | Deletes the data labels on one or more assets. |
Delete labelValue - Available only with a Data Management license. | Deletes a label value. |
Delete Quality Warning Trigger by ID - Available only with a Data Management license. | Permanently remove a quality warning trigger using the quality warning trigger ID. |
Delete Quality Warning Triggers by Content - Available only with a Data Management license. | Permanently remove all quality warning triggers for one or more data sources or flows, or both. |
Delete Table Permissions - Available only with a Data Management license. | Permanently remove the permissions applied to a table asset. |
Delete Tag from Column | Delete a tag from a column. |
Delete Tag from Database | Delete a tag from a database. |
Delete Tag from Table | Delete a tag from a table. |
Delete Tag from Virtual Connection - Available only with a Data Management license. | Deletes a tag from a virtual connection. |
Get Databases and Tables from Connection | Query databases and tables from the connection information in the data source (.tds or .tdsx) or workbook (.tws or .twbx) file's XML. |
Get Label - Available only with a Data Management license. | Gets a data label by its LUID. |
Get Labels - Available only with a Data Management license. | Displays information about the data labels on one or more assets. |
Get labelValue - Available only with a Data Management license. | Displays label value properties for a single label value. |
Get Metadata Suggestion - Available only with Tableau+ | Gets a suggestion from generative AI about asset metadata. |
List Database Permissions | Get information about the permissions on a database asset. |
List Default Database Permissions | Get the default permissions applied to the database asset and its children tables. |
List Label Categories on Site - Available only with a Data Management license. | Lists all data label categories on the site. |
List labelValues on Site - Available only with a Data Management license. | Lists all label values on the site. |
List Table Permissions | Get information about the permissions on a table asset. |
Move Database - Available only with a Data Management license. | Move one or more databases to a project. |
Move Table - Available only with a Data Management license. | Moves one or more tables to a project. |
Query All Quality Warning Triggers by Content | Get information about all quality warning triggers for a content item. |
Query Column in a Table | Get information about a column in a table asset. |
Query Columns in a Table | Get information about the columns in a table asset. |
Query Data Quality Certification by ID | Get information about a data quality certification. |
Query Data Quality Certifications by Content | Get all data quality certifications for content or asset items. |
Query Data Quality Warning by Content - Available only with a Data Management license. | Get information about the data quality warning for the database, table, column, published data source, flow, virtual connection, or virtual connection table. |
Query Data Quality Warning by ID | Get information about a specific data quality warning. |
Query Database | Get information about a database asset. |
Query Databases | Get information about all database assets for a site. |
Query Quality Warning Trigger | Get information about a quality warning trigger. |
Query Table | Get information about a table asset. |
Query Tables | Get information about all table assets for a site. |
Remove Column - Available only with a Data Management license. | Permanently remove the column from a table asset. |
Remove Database - Available only with a Data Management license. | Permanently remove the database asset. |
Remove Table - Available only with a Data Management license. | Permanently remove the table asset. |
Update Column - Available only with a Data Management license. | Update the description of the column. |
Update Data Quality Warning - Available only with a Data Management license. | Update the warning type, status, and message of a data quality warning. |
Update Database - Available only with a Data Management license. | Update the database description, certify a database, set database permissions, or assign a Tableau Cloud or Server user as the database contact. |
Update Label - Available only with a Data Management license. | Updates a label by its LUID. |
Update Label Category - Available only with a Data Management license. | Updates a data label category. |
Update Labels - Available only with a Data Management license. | Creates or updates labels on one or more assets. |
Update labelValue - Available only with a Data Management license. | Updates a label value. |
Update Monitoring Quality Warning - Available only with a Data Management license. | Update a monitoring quality warning. |
Update Table - Available only with a Data Management license. | Update the table description, certify a table, or a assign a user contact to the table asset. |
Metrics Methods - Retired in API 3.22
Delete Metric - Retired in API 3.22 | Deletes a specified metric from a site. |
Get Metric - Retired in API 3.22 | Returns the details of the specified metric. |
Get Metric Data - Retired in API 3.22 | Returns the data for the specified metric as comma separated (CSV) format. The maximum number of rows returned is 10,000. |
List Metrics for Site - Retired in API 3.22 | Returns the metrics configured for a site. |
Update Metric - Retired in API 3.22 | Updates the owner, project, suspended status, or name of the specified metric. |
Mobile Settings Methods
Get Mobile Security Settings for Server | Gets the mobile security settings for the server. |
Get Mobile Security Settings for Site | Gets the mobile security settings for the specified site. |
Update Mobile Security Settings for Site | Updates the mobile security sections for a specified site. |
Notifications Methods
Add User to Data-Driven Alert | Adds a specified user to the recipients list for a data-driven alert. |
Create a Webhook | Creates a new webhook for a site. |
Create Data Driven Alert - Not available for Tableau Server. | Create a data driven alert (DDA) for a view with a single data axis. |
Delete a Webhook | Deletes the specified webhook. |
Delete Data-Driven Alert | Deletes the specified data-driven alert from the specified site. |
Delete User from Data-Driven Alert | Removes a specified user from the recipients list for a data-driven alert. |
Get a Webhook | Returns information about the specified webhook. |
Get Data-Driven Alert | Returns details on a specified data-driven alert, including the recipients of the alert. |
Get User Notification Preferences | Returns the notification preferences for the specified site. You can filter by channel and notification type. For more information about notifications, see Manage Your Account Settings. |
List Data-Driven Alerts on Site | Returns a list of data-driven alerts in use on the specified site. |
List Webhooks | Returns a list of all the webhooks on the specified site. |
Test a Webhook | Tests the specified webhook. Sends an empty payload to the configured destination URL of the webhook and returns the response from the server. This is useful for testing, to ensure that things are being sent from Tableau and received back as expected. |
Update a Webhook | Modify the properties of an existing webhook. |
Update Data-Driven Alert | Update one or more settings for the specified data-driven alert; including the alert subject, frequency, and owner. |
Update User Notification Preferences | Updates user notifications preferences to enabled or disabled on the specified site. For more information about notifications, see Manage Your Account Settings. |
OpenID Connect Methods
Create OpenID Connect Configuration - Not available for Tableau Server. | Create the Tableau Cloud site's OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration. |
Get OpenID Connect Configuration - Not available for Tableau Server. | Get details about the Tableau Cloud site's OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration. |
Remove OpenID Connect Configuration - Not available for Tableau Server. | Disable and clear the Tableau Cloud site's OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration. |
Update OpenID Connect Configuration - Not available for Tableau Server. | Update the Tableau Cloud site's OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration. |
Permissions Methods
Add Ask Data Lens Permissions - Retired in API 3.22 | Adds permissions to the specified ask data lens for a user or group. You can specify multiple sets of permissions using one request. |
Add Data Source Permissions | Adds permissions to the specified data source for a user or group. You can specify multiple sets of permissions using one call. |
Add Default Permissions | Adds default permission rules for workbook, data source, data role, lens, flow, metric, or virtual connection resources in a project for a user or group. If Tableau Catalog is enabled, also adds default permission rules for database or table resources in a project for a user or group. After adding default permission rules, new resources of the type you specify that are added to the project will have those permission rules. If permissions are locked to the project(Link opens in a new window), then the same is true for all existing child content of the project. For more information, see Permissions(Link opens in a new window). |
Add Project Permissions | Adds permissions to the specified project for a user or group. You can specify multiple sets of permissions using one call. |
Add View Permissions | Adds permissions to the specified view (also known as a sheet) for a user or group. You can specify multiple sets of permissions using one call. |
Add Virtual Connection Permissions - Available only with a Data Management license. | Adds permissions to the specified virtual connection for a user or group. You can specify multiple sets of permissions using one call. |
Add Workbook Permissions | Adds permissions to the specified workbook for a user or group. You can specify multiple sets of permissions using one call. |
Add Workbook to Server Schedule - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Adds a task to refresh or accelerate a workbook to an existing schedule on Tableau Server. |
Delete Ask Data Lens Permission - Retired in API 3.22 | Deletes the specified permissions to the specified ask data lens for a user or group. |
Delete Data Source Permission | Removes the specified data source permission for the specified group or user. |
Delete Default Permission | Removes default permission rules for workbook, data source, data role, lens, flow, metric, or virtual connection resources in a project for a user or group. If Tableau Catalog is enabled, also removes default permission rules for database or table resources in a project for a user or group. After removing default permission rules, new resources of the type you specify that are added to the project will no longer have those permission rules. If permissions are locked to the project(Link opens in a new window), then the same is true for all existing child content of the project. |
Delete Project Permission | Removes the specified project permission for the specified group or user. |
Delete View Permission | Deletes permission to the specified view (also known as a sheet) for a Tableau Server user or group. |
Delete Virtual Connection Permission - Available only with a Data Management license. | Removes the specified virtual connection permission for the specified group or user. |
Delete Workbook Permission | Deletes the specified permission from the specified workbook for a group or user. |
List Ask Data Lens Permissions | List all permissions configured for the specified ask data lens that the user has read capability for. |
List Data Source Permissions | Returns a list of permissions for a specific data source. |
List Default Permissions | Returns details of default permission rules granted to users and groups for workbook, data source, data role, lens, flow, metric, or virtual connection resources in a project for a user or group. If Tableau Catalog is enabled, this method can also return details of default permission rules granted to users and groups for database or table resources in a project. |
List Project Permissions | Returns information about the set of permissions allowed or denied for groups and users in a project. |
List View Permissions | Returns a list of permissions for the specific view. |
List Virtual Connection Permissions - Available only with a Data Management license. | Returns a list of permissions for a specific virtual connection. |
List Workbook Permissions | Returns a list of permissions for the specific workbook. |
Replace Content Permissions | Replaces existing permissions in the specified content. You can specify multiple sets of permissions using one call. |
Replace Project's Default Permissions | Replaces default permissions in the specified content. If Tableau Catalog is enabled, it also adds default permission rules for database or table resources in a project. After adding default permission rules, new resources of the type you specify that are added to the project will have those permission rules. If permissions are locked to the project(Link opens in a new window), then the same is true for all existing child content of the project. For more information, see Permissions(Link opens in a new window). |
Projects Methods
Create Project | Creates a project on the specified site. You can also create project hierarchies by creating a project under the specified parent project on the site. To make changes to an existing project, call Update Project. |
Delete Project | Deletes the specified project on a specific site. When a project is deleted, all Tableau assets inside of it are also deleted, including assets like associated workbooks, data sources, project view options, and rights. |
Query Projects | Returns a list of projects on the specified site, with optional parameters for specifying the paging of large results. |
Update Project | Updates the name, description, or project hierarchy of the specified project. You can create or update project hierarchies by specifying a parent project for the project that you are updating using this method. |
Publishing Methods
Append to File Upload | Uploads a block of data and appends it to the data that is already uploaded. This method is called after an upload has been initiated using Initiate File Upload. |
Initiate File Upload | Initiates the upload process for a file. After the upload has been initiated, you call Append to File Upload to send individual blocks of the file to the server. When the complete file has been sent to the server, you call Publish Data Source, Publish Flow, or Publish Workbook to commit the upload. |
Publish Data Source | Publishes a data source on the specified site, or appends data to an existing data source. To make other changes to a published data source, call Update Data Source or Update Data Source Connection. |
Publish Flow | Publishes a flow on the specified site. To make other changes to a published flow, call Update Flow or Update Flow Connection. |
Publish Workbook | Publishes a workbook on the specified site. To make changes to a published workbook, call Update Workbook or Update Workbook Connection. |
Pulse Methods
Batch create Pulse subscriptions - Not available for Tableau Server | Creates multiple subscriptions to a metric for specified users and/or groups. |
Batch get Pulse subscriber counts - Not available for Tableau Server | Gets the number of unique users subscribed to a set of metrics specified in a comma separated list of metric LUIDs. |
Batch get Pulse subscriptions - Not available for Tableau Server | Gets a batch of subscriptions, specified in a comma delimited list of subscriptions LUIDs. |
Batch list metric definitions (few) - Not available for Tableau Server | Gets the details of a batch of metric definitions and metrics on a site, specified in a brief comma delimited list of LUIDs. |
Batch list metric definitions (many) - Not available for Tableau Server | Gets the details of a batch of definitions specified in a comma delimited list of LUIDs. This method is optimized for batches with large numbers of definitions. |
Batch list metrics - Not available for Tableau Server | Gets a batch of metrics from a definition, specified in a comma delimited list. |
Create metric - Not available for Tableau Server | Creates a metric. |
Create metric definition - Not available for Tableau Server | Creates a metric definition. |
Create metric tag for user - Not available for Tableau Server | Creates a tag for the specified metric, for the signed in user. |
Create subscription - Not available for Tableau Server | Creates a subscription to a specified metric for a specified user or group. |
Delete metric - Not available for Tableau Server | Deletes a metric. |
Delete metric definition - Not available for Tableau Server | Deletes a metric definition. |
Delete metric tag - Not available for Tableau Server | Deletes the specified metric tag. |
Delete Pulse subscription - Not available for Tableau Server | Deletes a specified subscription to a metric. |
Generate basic insight bundle - Not available for Tableau Server | Generates a basic insight bundle. |
Generate current metric value insight bundle - Not available for Tableau Server | Generates a bundle the current aggregated value for each metric. |
Generate detail insight bundle - Not available for Tableau Server | Generates a detail insight bundle. |
Generate springboard insight bundle - Not available for Tableau Server | Generates a springboard insight bundle. |
Get metric - Not available for Tableau Server | Gets the details of the specified metric. |
Get metric definition - Not available for Tableau Server | Gets a metric definition and optionally metrics it contains. |
Get or create metric - Not available for Tableau Server | Returns the details of a metric in a definition if it exists, or creates a new metric if it does not. Also returns 'true' if a new metric was created, or 'false' if it already existed. |
Get Pulse subscription - Not available for Tableau Server | Gets a specified subscription to a metric. |
Get site entitlements - Not available for Tableau Server | Returns entitlements available for a site. If entitlements are True, then Pulse premium features are enabled for the site. |
List followed metrics groups - Not available for Tableau Server | Gets the user's followed metrics. Optionally metrics can be grouped by characteristics like datasource, and sorted. |
List metric definition measurement periods - Not available for Tableau Server | Gets the measurement periods for the specified metric definition. |
List metric definitions - Not available for Tableau Server | Lists the metric definitions configured for a site or, optionally, the details and definition for a specific metric. |
List metrics in definition - Not available for Tableau Server | Lists the metrics contained in a metric definition. |
List Pulse user preferences - Not available for Tableau Server | Gets the signed in user's preferences for notifications channels and cadence, and for grouping and sorting followed metrics in REST responses and UI. |
List site alerts - Not available for Tableau Server | List the alerts for the authorized user user on a specified site. |
List subscriptions - Not available for Tableau Server | Lists the subscriptions to a specified metric and/or for a specified user. |
Update metric - Not available for Tableau Server | Updates the specification of a metric. |
Update metric definition - Not available for Tableau Server | Updates a metric definition. |
Update Pulse user preferences - Not available for Tableau Server | Updates the signed in user's preferences for notifications channels and cadence, and for grouping and sorting followed metrics in REST responses and UI. |
Revisions Methods
Download Data Source Revision | Downloads a specific version of a data source prior to the current one in .tdsx format. To down load the current version of a data source use the Download Data Source method. |
Download Workbook Revision - Available only if version history is enabled for the specified site. | Downloads a specific version of a workbook in .twb or .twbx format. |
Get Data Source Revisions | Returns a list of revision information (history) for the specified data source. |
Get Workbook Revisions | Returns a list of revision information (history) for the specified workbook. |
Remove Data Source Revision | Removes a specific version of a data source from the specified site. |
Remove Workbook Revision | Removes a specific version of a workbook from the specified site. |
Server Methods
Delete Server Session | Deletes a specified session. This method is not available for Tableau Cloud and is typically used in programmatic management of the life cycles of embedded Tableau sessions. |
Get Current Server Session | Returns details of the current session of Tableau Server. |
List Server Active Directory Domains - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Returns the details of the Active Directory domains that are in use on the server, including their full domain names, nicknames and IDs. If the server is configured to use local authentication, the command returns only the domain name local . |
Server Info | Returns the version of Tableau Server and the supported version of the REST API. |
Update Server Active Directory Domain - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Changes the nickname or full domain name of an Active Directory domain on the server. This method is not available on Tableau Cloud. |
Site Methods
Create Site - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Creates a site on Tableau Server. To make changes to an existing site, call Update Site. This method isn’t available for Tableau Cloud. |
Delete Site - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Deletes the specified site. |
Get Data Acceleration Report for a Site | Returns a report about data acceleration for the site. It lets you compare page load times for before and after data acceleration is enabled. |
Get Embedding Settings for a Site | Returns the current embedding settings for a specific site. |
Get Recently Viewed for Site | Gets the details of the views and workbooks on a site that have been most recently created, updated, or accessed by the signed in user. The 24 most recently viewed items are returned, though it may take some minutes after being viewed for an item to appear in the results. |
Get User Personal Space | Gets the details of the Personal Space for the currently authenticated user. |
List Authentication Configurations - Not available for Tableau Server. | List all authentications configurations on the site. |
List Authentication Configurations for Site - Not available for Tableau Server. | List all authentications configurations on the site. |
Query Site | Returns information about the specified site, with the option to return information about the storage space and user count for the site. |
Query Sites - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Returns a list of the sites on the server that the caller of this method has access to. This method is not available for Tableau Cloud. |
Query Views for Site | Returns all the views for the specified site, optionally including usage statistics. |
Update Embedding Settings for Site | Updates the embedding settings for a site. Embedding settings can be used to restrict embedding Tableau views to only certain domains. |
Update Site - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Modifies settings for the specified site, including the content URL, administration mode, user quota, state (active or suspended), storage quota, whether flows are enabled, whether subscriptions are enabled, and whether revisions are enabled. |
Subscriptions Methods
Create Subscription | Creates a new, unsuspended subscription to a view or workbook for a specific user on Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud. When a user is subscribed to the content, Tableau sends the content to the user in email on the schedule that you define. |
Delete Subscription | Deletes the specified subscription on Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud. |
Get Subscription | Returns information about the specified subscription. |
List Subscriptions | Returns a list of all the subscriptions on the specified site. |
Update Subscription | Modifies an existing subscription on Tableau Server. You can change the subject, server schedule, and suspension state for the subscription. |
Tableau Extensions Settings Methods
List Tableau extensions server settings - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Lists the settings for extensions of a server. |
List Tableau extensions site settings | Lists the settings for extensions of a site. |
Update Tableau extensions server settings - Not available for Tableau Cloud. | Updates the settings for extensions of a server. |
Update Tableau extensions site settings | Updates the settings for extensions of a site. |
Users and Groups Methods
Add Group to Group Set | Adds group to a group set. |
Add User to Group | Adds a user to the specified group. |
Add User to Site | Adds a user to Tableau Server or Tableau and assigns the user to the specified site. |
Create Group | Creates a group on Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud site. |
Create Group Set | Creates a group set with a specified name. |
Delete Group | Deletes the group on a specific site. Deleting a group does not delete the users in group, but users are no longer members of the group. Any permissions that were previously assigned to the group no longer apply. |
Delete Group Set | Deletes the group set on a specific site. Deleting a group set doesn’t delete the users in the group set, but users are no longer members of the group set. Any permissions that were previously assigned to the group set no longer apply. |
Delete Users from Site with CSV | Creates a job to remove a list of users, specified in a .csv file, from a site. |
Download User Credentials | Gets credentials for a user who is being migrated to another Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server site. |
Get Group Set | Returns information about the specified group set including ID, name, and member groups. |
Get Groups for a User | Gets a list of groups of which the specified user is a member. |
Get Users in Group | Gets a list of users in the specified group. |
Get Users on Site | Returns the users associated with the specified site. |
Import Users to Site from CSV | Creates a job to import the users listed in a specified .csv file to a site, and assign their roles and authorization settings. |
List Group Sets | Lists all group sets matching optional filter and ordered by optional sort expression. |
Query Groups | Returns a list of groups on the specified site, with optional parameters for specifying the paging of large results. |
Query User On Site | Returns information about the specified user. |
Remove Group from Group Set | Removes a group from the specified group set. |
Remove User from Group | Removes a user from the specified group. |
Remove User from Site | Removes a user from the specified site. The user will be deleted if they do not own any other assets other than subscriptions. If a user still owns content (assets) on Tableau Server, the user cannot be deleted unless the ownership is reassigned first. |
Update Group | Updates a group on a Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud site. |
Update Group Set | Updates a group set name on a Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud site. |
Update User | Modifies information about the specified user. |
Upload User Credentials | Uploads user credentials to a site on a destination Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server. |
Virtual Connections Methods
Add Tags to Virtual Connection - Available only with a Data Management license. | Adds tags to a virtual connection. |
Add Virtual Connection Permissions - Available only with a Data Management license. | Adds permissions to the specified virtual connection for a user or group. You can specify multiple sets of permissions using one call. |
Delete Tag from Virtual Connection - Available only with a Data Management license. | Deletes a tag from a virtual connection. |
Delete Virtual Connection - Available only with a Data Management license. | Deletes a virtual connection. |
Delete Virtual Connection Permission - Available only with a Data Management license. | Removes the specified virtual connection permission for the specified group or user. |
Download Virtual Connection - Available only with a Data Management license. | Downloads a JSON-representation of a virtual connection. |
Download Virtual Connection Revision - Available only with a Data Management license. | Downloads a JSON-representation of an earlier revision of a virtual connection. |
List Virtual Connection Database Connections - Available only with a Data Management license. | Returns information about database connections in the specified virtual connection. |
List Virtual Connection Permissions - Available only with a Data Management license. | Returns a list of permissions for a specific virtual connection. |
List Virtual Connection Revisions - Available only with a Data Management license. | Lists revisions for a virtual connection. |
List Virtual Connections - Available only with a Data Management license. | Returns a list of available virtual connection names and IDs. |
Publish Virtual Connection - Available only with a Data Management license. | Publishes a downloaded JSON-representation of a virtual connection. |
Update Virtual Connection - Available only with a Data Management license. | Updates a virtual connection's name, owner, project, or certification status. |
Update Virtual Connection Database Connections - Available only with a Data Management license. | Updates the server address, port, username, or password for the specified database connection in a virtual connection. |
Workbooks and Views Methods
Add Tags to View | Adds one or more tags to the specified view. |
Add Tags to Workbook | Adds one or more tags to the specified workbook. |
Delete Custom View | Deletes the specified custom view. |
Delete Tag from View | Deletes a tag from the specified view. |
Delete Tag from Workbook | Deletes a tag from the specified workbook. |
Delete Workbook | Deletes a workbook. When a workbook is deleted, all of its assets are also deleted, including associated views, data connections, and so on. |
Download View Crosstab Excel | Downloads an Excel (.xlsx ) file containing crosstab data from a view that the user has permission to access in a workbook.
If a crosstab is exported from a dashboard, data from only the first view in the dashboard will appear in the .xlsx file. Downloads of data from story dashboards are not supported at this time. |
Download Workbook | Downloads a workbook in .twb or .twbx format. |
Download Workbook Encrypted Keychain | Gets an encrypted version of the embedded credentials from the workbook. These credentials can only be migrated to the linked destination Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server. |
Download Workbook PDF | Downloads a .pdf containing images of the sheets that the user has permission to view in a workbook. Download Images/PDF permissions must be enabled for the workbook (true by default).
If Show sheets in tabs is not selected for the workbook, only the default tab will appear in the .pdf file. |
Download Workbook PowerPoint | Downloads a PowerPoint (.pptx ) file containing slides with images of the sheets that the user has permission to view in a workbook. Download Images/PDF permissions must be enabled for the workbook (true by default).
If Show sheets in tabs is not selected for the workbook, only the default tab will appear in the .pptx file. |
Download Workbook Revision - Available only if version history is enabled for the specified site. | Downloads a specific version of a workbook in .twb or .twbx format. |
Get Custom View | Gets the details of a specified custom view. |
Get Custom View Data | Returns a specified custom view rendered as data in comma separated value (CSV) format. |
Get Custom View Image | Downloads a .png format image file of a specified custom view. |
Get Custom View PDF | Returns a specified custom view rendered as a .pdf file. |
Get Recommendations for Views | Gets a list of views that are recommended for a user. Using machine learning, the server will match preferences between similar users and recommend content that is most popular and recently viewed. When a recommended view is selected and not marked as hidden, it appears on the server Home and Recommendations pages. |
Get View | Gets the details of a specific view. |
Get View by Path | Gets the details of all views in a site with a specified name. |
Get Workbook | Returns information about the specified workbook, including information about views and tags. |
Get Workbook Downgrade Info | Returns a list of the features that would be impacted, and the severity of the impact, when a workbook is exported as a downgraded version (for instance, exporting a v2019.3 workbook to a v10.5 version). |
Get Workbook Revisions | Returns a list of revision information (history) for the specified workbook. |
Hide a Recommendation for a View | Hides a view from being recommended by the server by adding it to a list of views that are dismissed for a user. If hidden, a view will not be displayed on the server Home or Recommendation pages. |
List Custom Views | Gets a list of custom views on a site. The list includes details of each custom view. |
List Users with Custom View as Default - Preview Release - Preview release only in some regions | Gets the list of users whose default view is the specified custom view. Note: This method is currently available as a preview release in some regions. We will update this page when the method is generally available. |
Publish Workbook | Publishes a workbook on the specified site. To make changes to a published workbook, call Update Workbook or Update Workbook Connection. |
Query View Data | Returns a specified view rendered as data in comma separated value (CSV) format. |
Query View Image | Returns an image of the specified view. |
Query View PDF | Returns a specified view rendered as a .pdf file. |
Query View Preview Image | Returns the thumbnail image for the specified view. |
Query Views for Site | Returns all the views for the specified site, optionally including usage statistics. |
Query Views for Workbook | Returns all the views for the specified workbook, optionally including usage statistics. |
Query Workbook Connections | Returns a list of data connections for the specific workbook. |
Query Workbook Preview Image | Returns the thumbnail image as a PNG file for the specified workbook. Usually the image that is returned is for the first sheet in the workbook. |
Query Workbooks for Site | Returns the workbooks on a site. |
Query Workbooks for User | Returns the workbooks that the specified user owns in addition to those that the user has Read (view) permissions for. |
Set Custom View as Default for Users - Preview release - Preview release only in some regions | Sets the specified custom for as the default view for up to 100 specified users.
Success or failure for each user is reported in the response body. Note: This method is currently available as a preview release in some regions. We will update this page when the method is generally available. |
Unhide a Recommendation for a View | Unhides a view from being recommended by the server by removing it from the list of views that are dimissed for a user. If the unhidden view meets the criteria for being recommended, then it will be displayed on the server Home or Recommendation pages. |
Update Custom View | Changes the owner or name of an existing custom view. |
Update Workbook | Modifies an existing workbook, allowing you to change the owner or project that the workbook belongs to and whether the workbook shows views in tabs. Updated workbooks can optionally be marked to appear in the recently viewed list. |
Update Workbook Connection | Updates the server address, port, username, or password for the specified workbook connection. |
Update Workbook Now | Refreshes the specified workbook. |
Upload Workbook Encrypted Keychain | Uploads the encrypted version of the embedded credentials. This method will only work if the credentials are encrypted with the latest public key used to link the source Tableau Server with the destination Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server site. |